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I am collecting books for elementary and high school students in Ethiopia, particularly for the school in Gumai Tobba.

where I started my elementary school. This area of the world is very convenient for agriculture and has a lot of forests,

for me, education is very important for the environment, and if I provide books to local schools and libraries in that area.

I feel that I can save wildlife animals and forests from disappearing or destroyed.

Please donate any educational books to Betel Driving School located at 901 South Highland Street suite 119

in Arlington Virginia, if you want the book to be picked up please call us at (703)296-1680

 Betel Driving School    


Tel: (703)  296  -1680     

Email: beteldrivingschool@gmail.com


901 South Highland Street,  Alexandria, VA 22204

 Copyright © 2006-2021. Betel Driving School, LLC. All rights reserved.