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Behind The wheel Classes:1. For 15 periods which is 1period is 50 minutes $740.00

                                             2. For 10 periods $500.00

                                             3. For 7 periods   $350.00 minimum requirement


classes are Given on one period or two periods a day Basis.

Pick up and Drop off are free, once the instructor is assigned to the student both can arrange their schedule according to their convenient time.

if you decide to take one of the packages above, go to the registration to fill out the form and make sure you have your Learner permit. also, make a payment in a payment column.

we will contact you as soon as we get your registration and payment.

 Betel Driving School    


Tel: (703)  296  -1680     

Email: beteldrivingschool@gmail.com


901 South Highland Street,  Alexandria, VA 22204

 Copyright © 2006-2021. Betel Driving School, LLC. All rights reserved.